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end of summer slump

my mind and my body have teamed up against me

It's officially fall here, weather wise at least. It's gloomy and grey, with that kind of rain that just spits at you, too little for an umbrella but enough to soak your hair and clothes. If its gonna rain, RAIN DAMMIT!

This half-rain feels like the weather is unwilling to commit to the oncoming season. That's kinda how I've been feeling too- unwilling to commit to the idea that a new season is arriving and the easy pace of summer is over. But with the onslaught of work and responsibilities there also comes cozy rainy sundays spent at the kitchen table with an endless supply of coffee.

With the changing of the weather my sinuses and motivation are creeping away from me, but hopefully that'll change as everything becomes more regular. I'm finding myself slipping into memories of Europe, especially my time in Switzerland, the chilly spring mornings there feel a lot like the weather we have here at home right now. But alas, my itinerary for tomorrow is booked with courses and meetings and not fondue or mountain hiking. A girl can dream, right?

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