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Return to Normalcy (?)

I spent a year in France, and now home seems Kind of...foreign?

I've been home for a few months now, but the return to university has been kind of difficult for me. It's not that I went away and now I can't remember how to be a college student, more that I'm kind of trying to stuff myself into a space that doesn't quite fit anymore.

When you're far away from home it's easy to get caught up in wondering how everyone is faring without you. Sometimes those wonders follow you home, and find silent spaces in your friendships and relationships where the absence used to be. There are stories you weren't a part of, new close friends that are strangers to you, jokes you don't get. Sometimes it's easy to fall into the trap these spaces can be- feeling like you don't belong among your best friends anymore. But you can't listen to those fleeting thoughts, they're not the focus here. You're home, and you could go anywhere next.

Now is not the time to be afraid, though it may feel scary at times. I've always been one to have a plan, and not having one feels just as suffocating as being committed to one specific career field felt. But in the midst of chaos I'm starting to find some comfort in the freedom of not knowing. There's a certain liberation in being totally untethered, and once I get past this initial phase of uncertainty I think something really great could come out of it.

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